Wim Blom
Wim Blom, born Willem Adriaan Blom on February 22, 1927, in Germiston, South Africa, (†18 January 2021) was a remarkable artist known for his precise and timeless work. Wim was one of South Africa’s most important painters and is leaving behind a legacy that continues to captivate art enthusiasts. Here are some key points about Wim Blom: 1. Artistic Journey: Wim received his Fine Arts MA degrees from the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. He pursued post-graduate studies at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and the University of Perugia in Italy. As an art historian, he held positions such as Research Curator at the National Gallery of Canada. His artistic journey took him to Italy, Spain, and other parts of Europe. 2. Realism and Contemplation: Wim Blom adopted an intensely realistic approach to painting still lifes and images of uninhabited interiors. His work invites private contemplation, appealing to those who appreciate form, color, texture, and light. While faithful to the objects he represented, his realism transcended reality, submerged beneath poetic transformation. 3. Collections and Exhibitions: His work is represented in public collections, including the National Gallery of Canada, the South African National Gallery, and The Royal Scottish Academy. Numerous corporate and private collections worldwide feature Wim Blom’s art. He exhibited internationally, leaving an indelible mark on the art world. 4. Appointments Commissioner for Canadian Entries at the Venice Biennale and Sáo Paolo Bienal Curatorial Administrator, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, ON Research Curator, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, ON Editor of the Bulletin of the National Gallery of Canada Assistant to the Curator, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, ON Lecturer, Department of Fine Arts, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

Instructor in drawing, Johannesburg Art School, Johannesburg, South Africa

“Wim Blom was one of South Africa’s most important painters, and we were fortunate to have him make Canada his permanent

home. Wim leaves behind a legacy that continues to captivate art enthusiasts.”

Wim Blom
Wim Blom, born Willem Adriaan Blom on February 22, 1927, in Germiston, South Africa, (†18 January 2021) was a remarkable artist known for his precise and timeless work. Wim was one of South Africa’s most important painters and is leaving behind a legacy that continues to captivate art enthusiasts. Here are some key points about Wim Blom: 1. Artistic Journey: Wim received his Fine Arts MA degrees from the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. He pursued post-graduate studies at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and the University of Perugia in Italy. As an art historian, he held positions such as Research Curator at the National Gallery of Canada. His artistic journey took him to Italy, Spain, and other parts of Europe. 2. Realism and Contemplation: Wim Blom adopted an intensely realistic approach to painting still lifes and images of uninhabited interiors. His work invites private contemplation, appealing to those who appreciate form, color, texture, and light. While faithful to the objects he represented, his realism transcended reality, submerged beneath poetic transformation. 3. Collections and Exhibitions: His work is represented in public collections, including the National Gallery of Canada, the South African National Gallery, and The Royal Scottish Academy. Numerous corporate and private collections worldwide feature Wim Blom’s art. He exhibited internationally, leaving an indelible mark on the art world. “Wim Blom was one of South Africa’s most important painters, and we were fortunate to have him make Canada his permanent home and become a Canadian citizen. Wim leaves behind a legacy that continues to captivate art enthusiasts.”