Canadian Designer - Craftsman (1924 - 1994)
Oliver Knight was born in Heilbron, South Africa
1947 - B.A. Hons in Fine arts, Univerity of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
1959 - Emigrated to Canada
1959 - 1960 Graphic Design, Alberta Institute of Technologie, Alberta, Canada.
1961 - 1965 Teaches Art and Design in Ottawa. Studio with Helga Palko.
1965 - Works in silver, San Miguel de Alliende, Mexico.
1966 - 1990 Divides his time between Canda and Spain.
Major Exhibitions:
Canadian Fine Crafts, 1966 and 1967
Six Travelling Exhibitions, Canada, 1969
Canadian Metal Art Guild 1969. Awarded Prize for Original Design in Metal.
Craft Dimensions, Canada, 1969. Receives Double Award for Excellence
On the 4th of July 1975, Oliver Knight is Elected to the Society of Designer Craftsmen,
London, England.
Art work in Public Collections:
Department of External Affairs, Ottawa, Canada.
Ontario Craft Foundatiopn, Department of Education
National Design Coucil, Canada.
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada.
Victoria Museum, British Columbia.
Oliver Knight won many awards and prizes of Excellence for his many works of art.
Female torso Polished copper
brass 1975-18 cm x 5 1/2 cm
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